Monday, June 30, 2014

Eject into the Real World

It has been one year since my graduation from UCLA.

Before that seminal moment, I thought that I had my life in the bag. I had received straight As from a premier scholastic institution, seen my small internship with a distinguished writing team extend into a yearlong endeavor, and held an impressive executive position in a local student group. My resume looked absolutely baller, and I thought was poised to launch directly into a career in Entertainment.

You probably know where this is going.

Despite my apparent credentials, very little separated me from the millions of other college graduates with no "real" skills, no "real" job experience, and no "real" credibility. Instead of marching into success, I fell right through the walls of the college bubble and directly into the steaming pit of unemployment. Like everyone else on the boat, I felt ashamed, dejected and depressed, but also hopeful that maybe something crazy might happen that would turn my fortunes around.

And then, something crazy did happen. Actually, a whole slew of crazy shit happened. One after the other.

This blog is about all the wacky and crazy things that I've experienced and learned from battling that mercilessly stubborn monster that we all call the "Job Market" (or the Jabberwocky" if you say it fast enough). To be clear, this blog isn't about the tragedy of the recession or why Congress has a single digit approval rating. It isn't really even totally about not having a job. It's about being gainfully unemployed, getting blindsided by the truck of fortuity, and snatching failure from the jaws of success. In between all of this will be tales of unadulterated nerdery, and tangents into the passions and loves that kept me going through it all. At the end of the day, it's all about finding opportunity in the oddest of places.

Sometimes your ejection seat launches a little too soon.

Or maybe it went off exactly when you needed to.